
There are likely hundreds, or even thousands, of direct descendants of Peter and Catherine Simmon alive today. If you are (or think you may be) a direct descendant of Peter and Catherine or if you’re a spouse or former spouse of a direct descendant, please reach out and say hello! We have compiled a fair bit of family history and documentation that we’re eager to share with our cousins. Maybe there are holes in your own family research that we can help fill, or perhaps you have some documents or family artifacts in your possession that can help illuminate the stories of our shared ancestors, or maybe you simply want to let us know you’re out there. We’d love to hear from you!

A Simmon family gathering ca. 1905 at the home of Charles and Rachel (Wilson) Simmon.

There are several ways to stay in touch:

Join the family mailing list/subscribe to the annual newsletter
We have created a mailing list that any direct descendants are free to join. We won’t spam you with a bunch of junk or share your email address with anyone, ever. We will only use the list to disseminate family news and items of particular genealogical interest. The primary purpose of the list is for an annual newsletter that we intend to prepare (taking the place of the old summer family reunions that ran from the 1920s to the 1980s). Traffic on this list should be less than one email per month. Click here to subscribe.

Join the Descendants of Henry Peter and Eva Catherine Simmon Facebook group
This is a private Facebook group for direct descendants and spouses. It’s a bit more active than the mailing list and is intended to be a place where cousins can communicate with each other directly (rather than just receiving official updates and a newsletter). Most of the posts in the group are about family history and stories. 

Connect your family tree on
A few cousins have accounts and share information and documents there. Some of them have even done DNA analyses for extra science fun!

Contact us directly
If you are unsure if you are a direct descendant and want to verify your connection to the family, or if you have questions about this website or the newsletter, please click here to send us an email.